Thursday, June 11, 2009


We are still trying to gather a cast together for our little cinematic opus...

Some of the roles will be filled closer to the actual shooting date, but the larger ones, we need to get cast as soon as possible, so we can have read-throughs.

If you think you could pull of one of these characters - or if you know someone who would be perfect, let me know!

Benjamin Van Driesen - Tall, Beautiful, and blond. He's a gay man's dream guy. The actor would have to be able to play catty and slightly effeminate, without being a caricature or stereotype.

Laura Campbell - Smokin' hot and Sassy. This character spouts a lot of sarcasm, and the actor needs to be good at subtlety and reserve, so the character doesn't come off as sit-comish. The character is also very promiscuous, so a lot of making out will be involved. I would also hope that the actor has no problem showing a little skin.

Christopher - Unassuming but cute. This character doesn't say a lot, but he needs to be able to pull off that adorable nervousness that someone with a crush exhibits. He also needs to be cute.


Those are the larger roles. Other roles include waiters, party goers, hipsters, and stoners.

Don't be shy! Get in touch and audition. Remember, there is no pay, but the reward will be so much greater than a paycheck!

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